

Pretty much nothing about this one turned out the way I expected and I was pretty sure I was going to file it away without even posting it, until I took one final step and I think I love it now. I was trying to mix my #LetsPlayWithTheHammer technique with the sand art I’d done […]

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Since my first attempt at a power tools art project, I wanted to try inverting my process. I began by spinning paint to fling it onto a canvas and I wanted to try starting with paint on a page and spinning it to see what would happen. It took me awhile to put together a […]

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As I mentioned in my write-up for “Beyond,” I returned to my power tools art project to try flinging glue at paper and then spreading colored sand across it. There were some problems, though, so “Beyond” didn’t turn out quite the way I expected. I learned from that for “Spectrum,” however. The issue was that […]

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I returned to my power tools art project roots to try something a little different. Instead of using a drill to fling paint onto a page, I wanted to try flinging glue and then dropping colored sand onto it. It ended up being more difficult than I expected but I got a couple of nice […]

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After some time letting out my anger via art, I wanted to step away from that a little bit but that left me with something that I like but feels a little bit like a failed experiment. I’d been using bubble wrap to help control the splatter on my previous few pieces, and before that […]

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After creating “Pulverized” last Tuesday, I had one more variation on that theme that I wanted to try. Specifically, I really wanted to see a version of the idea on a black background.  That necessitated switching to lighter colors in general, though I wanted to keep just a bit of red in there.  The method […]

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On Monday I dropped a book on some paint to create “Blackened” but I didn’t get quite the result I was looking for.  I still feeling angry, still looking to get some aggression out, I broke out a hammer to create “Pulverized” on Tuesday. I love this one. I started with a blob of various […]

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This one came out of nowhere, no pre-planning or anything, just a vague idea of something I wanted to try, and I think I love it. I was angry. All I knew was that I wanted to use reds and black and I wanted to do something violent. At first I thought about using a […]

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This one took a few tries to get right, starting out as a power tools art project that failed, leading to the inspiration behind “Grass,” and finally learning from what worked with “Grass” to come to this result. My original idea was to put some paint onto a page and then use a hand-held orbital […]

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This one came about yesterday as the result of an accident with a different project. I’d been working on another power tools art project in my back yard. It didn’t really work out the way that I wanted it to (though I learned a couple things) and then, in taking the rig apart, I accidentally […]

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