Random SQL Review: FHS Player Age

Random SQL Review: FHS Player Age

Determining a person’s age should be easy. The difference between the current date and their birthdate, right? Over at FantasyHockeySim.com, though, it’s become a touch more complicated than that. Among other places, player profiles over at FHS display a player’s age. In the summer of 2023, upon the death of Maple Leafs prospect Rodion Amirov, […]

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Automatically Adding and Removing Labels via Trello Webhooks

Automatically Adding and Removing Labels via Trello Webhooks

It’s been awhile since I’ve played around with the Trello API but my “To-Do” board was annoying me recently and I found something new to automate. As I’ve previously mentioned, I’ve got a webhook listening to my “To-Do” board.  I’ve also mentioned that this board consists of “Not Started,” “In Progress,” and “Done” columns.  In […]

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On Assumptions and Solving Hard Problems

On Assumptions and Solving Hard Problems

A recent conversation about solving hard problems reminded me of a lightning talk I gave at an internal micro-conference in 2012 for my then-job.  The idea was to point out cases where perfectly reasonable assumptions turned out to not be so perfectly reasonable, challenging ourselves to question such assumptions, with two specific examples. The first […]

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BlueskyApi 2.0

BlueskyApi 2.0

I mentioned over the summer that I’d thrown together a quick PHP wrapper class for interacting with the Bluesky API / AT protocol.  And by quick, I mean quick.  I wrote it one night, did a blog post on it in the early morning the next day, and called it good. Different issues with it […]

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