On Chrome and Hangout Extensions

Over the last couple weeks I’ve spent some time playing around with Chrome development and Google Hangout extensions.  Nothing revolutionary by any means but there were a couple interesting things I came across that I figured I’d share out. One thing I found slightly funny is that both Chrome extensions and Hangout extensions are JavaScript […]

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PHP and the Twitter API v1.1

Note: This post was updated on March 4, 2021, to replace references to outdated code. I’d been using the relatively-awesome TwitterOAuth library by Abraham Williams for quite some time to handle interactions between my sites and Twitter’s REST API v1.  With Twitter having eliminated v1 of the API, I started looking into other options. It’s […]

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Wednesday SQL Fun

Just had an interesting SQL question dropped in my lap, figured I’d share the results since it was something I assumed was possible but actually ended up working exactly as I expected, for once. A friend has a system that he uses to track what baseball uniforms were worn in each game.  Each game has […]

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