On Shuttering No Brush No Problem

On Shuttering No Brush No Problem

While I was writing about my efforts developing branding for So Puzzled Puzzle Company, I realized (not for the first time) that how I’ve been writing about my art has been a little bit weird. This blog has always been a little more development-centric but it’s still my personal blog, so when I want to […]

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On Journalism, Credit, and Perception

On Journalism, Credit, and Perception

I am not a journalist. At least that’s how I see it. I spent a lot of time over the last year – DetroitHockey.Net‘s 20th season – thinking about what kind of site I wanted to run and what I wanted to write.  I decided that I don’t want to force myself to be unbiased.  I […]

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Why I Write What I Write

It seems weird to justify what I write in my own blog but I was recently sent a piece by Mark Llobrera that resonated with me and I wanted to spin off of it. The fear of stating the obvious is one of my primary personal roadblocks to writing. I have a horrible time deciding […]

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When Presentations Collide

Last week I wrote about my presentation at TechSmith’s Recon conference, “Implementing Advanced Trello Functionality via the Trello API.”  Embedded in that post is a video of the presentation itself.  It’s not the video that was included when I first published the post, though. I initially published the post with video embedded straight from TechSmith […]

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On Blogging My Portfolio

A couple weeks ago I briefly mentioned that it seemed like it made more sense to post about newly-completed projects to this blog rather than have a separate “Portfolio” section of the site. The idea is much the same as my thinking on code samples; it should be less about the outcome and more about the […]

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On DetroitHockey.Net’s April Fools Joke

On DetroitHockey.Net’s April Fools Joke

Yesterday I went through with the fairly-uninspired April Fools Day joke of having DetroitHockey.Net become “ColoradoHockey.Net” for a few hours, with the site and its Twitter account apparently having been hacked by fans of the Red Wings’ formerly-bitter rivals, the Colorado Avalanche. The site’s logo changed, as did the name, avatar, and background of the […]

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DetroitHockey.Net Logo History

DetroitHockey.Net Logo History

I recently did a soft rollout of a tweaked logo for DetroitHockey.Net and was inspired to go back and take a look at the history of the logo for the site and its affiliated projects. I only have backups of my graphics going back to 2002, at which time the site was still drwcentral.net and […]

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The Problem with Code Samples

Up until about thirty seconds before I hit publish on this post, there was a section on this site called “Code Samples.”  I removed it (after pulling one piece of code over to this blog) because I realized it wasn’t providing what it should. Said section was made up of four links to zip files, […]

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