I returned to my power tools art project roots to try something a little different. Instead of using a drill to fling paint onto a page, I wanted to try flinging glue and then dropping colored sand onto it. It ended up being more difficult than I expected but I got a couple of nice results from it.

I was going for a rainbow pattern in creating this, in part because rainbows look nice, in part because it gives me the opportunity to see a lot of colors in one piece, and in part because rainbows are easy. What I found, though, was that the sand wasn’t sticking to the page as well as I expected.
In this case, I think that worked out, with an unexpected side effect: The spots where the sand didn’t stick left streaks of glue, which are visible in different ways based on the angle at which you’re viewing the piece.

The whole thing came together in this kind of minimalist, ethereal way that I really love.
Also, I learned from what didn’t technically work in this piece to create something else later.
[…] I mentioned in my write-up for “Beyond,” I returned to my power tools art project to try flinging glue at paper and then spreading colored […]