Blog Post



Pretty much nothing about this one turned out the way I expected and I was pretty sure I was going to file it away without even posting it, until I took one final step and I think I love it now.

“Jellyfish” – created July 7, 2021. Sand on paper.

I was trying to mix my #LetsPlayWithTheHammer technique with the sand art I’d done a couple times previously. I threw a big glob of glue on a piece of black paper, put some bubble wrap over it, and hit it with a hammer.

Then I hit it again because I didn’t get the spray that I wanted. The second try didn’t give me that spray, either (it just scared one of my neighbors’ dogs, out for a walk), so I gave that up as a lost cause and moved on to spreading the sand.

I wanted to use lighter colors and mix in some white, hoping for some nebula-like look on the black paper. The glue dried thick, though, and muted a lot of the color. So for awhile I just let it sit while I thought about what to do with it.

Eventually I decided to file it away and not post it, so I gave the piece a shot of finishing spray to keep the sand from coming loose. After that dried, though, the colors stood out more and, while it wasn’t a nebula, it did appear to be something else, purely by accident. My daughter says it looks like a jellyfish and I’m okay with that.

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