Blog Post



On Monday I dropped a book on some paint to create “Blackened” but I didn’t get quite the result I was looking for.  I still feeling angry, still looking to get some aggression out, I broke out a hammer to create “Pulverized” on Tuesday.

“Pulverized” – created June 29, 2021. Acrylic on paper.

I love this one.

I started with a blob of various reds on white paper, then added a dash of a dark green.  I placed a sheet of bubble wrap over it, bubble-side down.  Then I smashed the blob with a hammer.

The spray is what I was looking for when I first did “Blackened.”  The green mixing to become black feels highly appropriate.  While “Blackened” looks like something was infected, “Pulverized” shows something that has been destroyed.  And I wanted to destroy something.

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