

It’s been awhile since I completed a new piece.  Part of that was some health issues, part of it was life getting in the way, and part of that is that I spent a good amount of time iterating on this one. It was something that I felt like I just wasn’t getting quite right. […]

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Unsurprisingly, “Water” is another one that didn’t turn out the way I was planning. I revisited the idea of using a leaf blower to move paint around and was going for something kind of light and airy with it.  I think I didn’t thin out the paint enough, though, which left very heavy blobs on […]

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When I wrote up “Medal” I said that I wish it represented “the deleterious impact the Olympics have on their host cities.” I’d had that on my mind in the run up to the Tokyo Olympics and, after completing “Ring,” I knew how I wanted to represent that. There isn’t much new here as far […]

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Awhile back I created something that ended up not quite right, so I filed it away as a sketch, but when Aims saw it she said it looked “like something from that video in The Ring.” That description stuck with me and, after I figured out a bit of my power drill spinning technique, I […]

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“Sky” was my second attempt at a new form of power tools art project: Using a leaf blower to push paint around on a page. My first attempt with this method didn’t really turn out but I learned a lot from it, leading to this one (and probably to future attempts). I custom mixed a […]

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There was something I was trying to do when I created “Eye” earlier this month that I didn’t have the right materials to make happen. I went shopping and bought some stuff and I’m not certain that I got the right stuff, nor am I certain that I created what I intended to, but I […]

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This one was created to troll my good friend Aims, who recently completed a couple pieces of digital art that featured flowers that were giving her trouble. After she declared that she was tired of flowers, I decided I needed to create something that was very recognizably a flower. It’s a step away from my […]

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After creating “Mask” I wanted to give another shot to spinning a page with glue on it and then applying sand, which led to the creation of “Starburst.” This was mostly about playing with color just a little differently.  With “Mask” I spun the glue and then applied sand in a stripe pattern.  With “Starburst” […]

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When I wrote about creating “Eye” I said that I didn’t get the spread of paint that I wanted because I was using acrylics that were too thick. I figured I could try pouring paints or thin out the paints I already have. Or I could use the glue I’d already been using for sand […]

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Pretty much nothing about this one turned out the way I expected and I was pretty sure I was going to file it away without even posting it, until I took one final step and I think I love it now. I was trying to mix my #LetsPlayWithTheHammer technique with the sand art I’d done […]

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