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Awhile back I created something that ended up not quite right, so I filed it away as a sketch, but when Aims saw it she said it looked “like something from that video in The Ring.” That description stuck with me and, after I figured out a bit of my power drill spinning technique, I decided to revisit it.

“Ring” – created July 24, 2021. Acrylic on paper.

There isn’t much more to it than that. No, it doesn’t look just like the image from the video or anything, it wasn’t supposed to. It was just inspired by that comment.

My favorite thing about it is how it looks different based on the angle you’re viewing it from, much like the effect seen in “Beyond.”

An additional view of “Ring,” showing how different elements appear at different angles.

How this turned out gave me one more idea to try, something based on a comment I made myself on one of my previous pieces.

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