Blog Post

Coyote / Erianna / Aurora

Coyote / Erianna / Aurora

I’ve been doing a bit with poured paints lately but it’s always been to provide a background effect to a piece where some other technique was also in play.  This week I wanted to do some dirty pours that stood on their own.

When I’m going for a background “marble” effect, I use a lot of similar colors for subtle gradients, with one or two darker contrasting colors to appear as vein-like streaks.  I didn’t want that in any of these, so I tried to stick to colors that contrasted each other.

These three are not intended to be a series but they’re all different iterations of the same experiment so I figured I’d just do one blog post.


“Coyote” – completed June 7, 2022. Acrylic on canvas panel.

This one feels like a trippy desert night, to me, so I call it “Coyote.”  I see a night sky and waves of sand and maybe a moon.  There are some cells of Metallic Wine Red in the middle but I think the shock of Fluorescent Lively Pink really makes it.  There’s also some Storm Purple in there, one of my favorite colors, and some Silver and Bronze that give a really nice metallic shine.


“Erianna” – completed June 7, 2022. Acrylic on canvas panel.

Immediately after doing the pour for “Coyote” I hopped on my computer to watch my friend Christina stream on Twitch.  She said she’d like to see how a pour worked, so I went right back to the basement and did another one, which I recorded and posted to social media for her to see.  So this one is named after Christina’s streamer alter ego, Erianna Abyss.

This was about contrasting purples and blues, primarily.  There’s a lot of Lavender and Neon Purple in there, with Glittering Ocean Blue and the aforementioned Metallic Wine Red giving it some sparkle, and just a little bit of playful pink.

Aims thinks it looks Edvard Munch-ian, and I can see that.


“Aurora” – completed June 9, 2022. Acrylic on canvas panel.

After the first two pieces dried, I decided that I wanted to try something with a lot of black and bright colors popping off of it.  The result looks a bit like the Northern Lights to be so I call it “Aurora.”

I freaking love how that Glittering Ocean Blue worked with the black, and there’s some Groovy Turquoise in there, too.  There are also pinks and purples but it’s the blue and green that dominate.

I really was worried about this piece as I did the pour and moved the paint around to cover the panel but it came together nicely in the end.

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