Blog Post

Retro Portfolio: Clark Irrigation Design & Consulting

Clark Irrigation Design & Consulting contacted O6 with the need to find a way to share large files and batches of files with their clients, without a lot of technical know-how.

An FTP site was ruled out by that second requirement, so we set out to build an online filebox system.

The system starts with a user management system that determines the permissions of each user. Administrators can create folders, upload new files, rename existing files and delete files. Except for the ability to create folders, all of those options can also individually be given to non-administrators. Additionally, non-administrators can be confined to a specific folder.

This allows for clients of the company to view only their own work. If the client is going to be passing files back, they can be given the ability to upload, or manage the files through renaming and deletion.

With the ability to restrict access to the files sorted out, we developed a file management system. Through simple web forms, files can be added, renamed, and deleted.

The above text and images were copied directly from the portfolio of my former development company, O6 Web Services, as I imported it over to this blog. It was not updated for re-publishing. This project launched in June 2007.

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