

I’m a huge Detroit Red Wings fan, so of course I had to find a way to incorporate that into my art, which led to the “Legends” series from June 5. I wanted to see if my method would lend itself to using stencils to block off whitespace and if whatever the stencil’s design was […]

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This was another one from May 30 and, as disappointed as I was with “Rainbow,” I’m thrilled with this one. Having figured out that the paint delivery method would work and one way not to implement it, my main goal with this one was to play with colors and I think it turned out beautifully. […]

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I did this one on May 30 and, while there are parts of it that I like, I’m a bit disappointed with the outcome. Pretty obviously, the idea was to create an abstract rainbow. So, success, I guess. I was also testing to see how much overlap there would be if I was throwing six […]

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Primary One & Primary Two

Primary One & Primary Two

“Primary One” and “Primary Two” were executed on May 29, 2021. They were my first attempts at using centrifugal force (provided by a power drill) to fling paint from paint tubes and onto canvas. There were two ideas I wanted to test with these. The first was whether or not my idea of using a […]

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DetroitHockey.Net Logo Redesign 2019

DetroitHockey.Net Logo Redesign 2019

Back in 2015, I wrote a bit about the history of the DetroitHockey.Net logo.  Over the last several weeks, I was forced to add a new entry to that record. As I detailed at DH.N itself, the Detroit Tigers forced me to change the site’s logo, claiming that DetroitHockey.Net’s Old English D conflicted with their […]

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Kalamazoo Wings Jersey Concept 2018

Kalamazoo Wings Jersey Concept 2018

Aside from the Grand Rapids Griffins, I don’t normally enter jersey design contests.  In general, I don’t like “fan designed” jersey contests because rarely does an actual fan of the team win. I made an exception this year, though, for the Kalamazoo Wings.  I can’t rightfully call myself a Kalamazoo fan given their rivalry with […]

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