Christmas Name Drawing Generator

Every year my in-laws do the whole “drawing names” thing at Christmas, where each person draws one other person and buys a gift for them.  Nearly as often, there’s drama about it.  Someone complains about “always” getting someone else.  Someone gets themself (that was me this year). I decided to remove the human element from […]

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Cookie Clicker Countdown User Script

Over the past week or so I’ve been a little too obsessed with Cookie Clicker. It’s an awesome little JavaScript-based game and I can’t just leave it alone. I’m at a point in the game where it takes hours before I can buy the next item I’m looking for.  Just out of curiousity, I was […]

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PHP and the Twitter API v1.1

Note: This post was updated on March 4, 2021, to replace references to outdated code. I’d been using the relatively-awesome TwitterOAuth library by Abraham Williams for quite some time to handle interactions between my sites and Twitter’s REST API v1.  With Twitter having eliminated v1 of the API, I started looking into other options. It’s […]

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