The Problem with Third-Party Apps?

I’d been extremely resistant to adopting third-party tools in my development efforts for a very long time. I liked owning my tools end-to-end and I liked writing my own code just for the sake of knowing exactly how it worked. I didn’t even have a Gmail account because I was running my own mail server […]

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On Chrome and Hangout Extensions

Over the last couple weeks I’ve spent some time playing around with Chrome development and Google Hangout extensions.  Nothing revolutionary by any means but there were a couple interesting things I came across that I figured I’d share out. One thing I found slightly funny is that both Chrome extensions and Hangout extensions are JavaScript […]

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Video Games and Charity

I’ve written about one of my favorite charity events on DetroitHockey.Net before but with Mario Marathon on it’s sixth iteration this weekend, I thought I’d say something here. Mario Marathon features a group of guys playing their way through the core Super Mario video games, streaming their efforts online in a telethon-like fundraiser for Child’s […]

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PHP and the Twitter API v1.1

Note: This post was updated on March 4, 2021, to replace references to outdated code. I’d been using the relatively-awesome TwitterOAuth library by Abraham Williams for quite some time to handle interactions between my sites and Twitter’s REST API v1.  With Twitter having eliminated v1 of the API, I started looking into other options. It’s […]

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The Rebellion Strikes Back?

I’m a big alternate history geek and I recently stumbled onto a thread at asking “What if Mark Hamill had been killed in the car accident that occurred between the filming of Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back?” “Gone The New Hope” covers more than just the possible development of the Star Wars saga, branching […]

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Friday Morning Irony

A friend was just installing Ad Block Plus on a new machine and sent the following screenshot to me: There’s something I find highly ironic about the maker of software that limits publishers’ ability to make money asking for donations to continue doing so. There are a lot of sites out there that use horrible […]

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Wednesday SQL Fun

Just had an interesting SQL question dropped in my lap, figured I’d share the results since it was something I assumed was possible but actually ended up working exactly as I expected, for once. A friend has a system that he uses to track what baseball uniforms were worn in each game.  Each game has […]

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