Stupid Lessons Learned: jQuery Click Trigger

Back in March I wrote a little bit about an issue I was having where, at several points along my path to solving it, I should have realized I was doing things wrong.  I had another one of those come up and thought it was good to share for a few reasons.  A little background… On […]

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On DetroitHockey.Net’s April Fools Joke

On DetroitHockey.Net’s April Fools Joke

Yesterday I went through with the fairly-uninspired April Fools Day joke of having DetroitHockey.Net become “ColoradoHockey.Net” for a few hours, with the site and its Twitter account apparently having been hacked by fans of the Red Wings’ formerly-bitter rivals, the Colorado Avalanche. The site’s logo changed, as did the name, avatar, and background of the […]

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Guzzle Bug 568 and Shared Hosting

I ran across an interesting little problem this weekend and figured I’d share out what I discovered.  In hindsight, I think it’s something I should have figured out pretty quickly but I didn’t see anything about it in my searches so maybe this will help someone. I use AWSSDKforPHP2 installed as a PEAR extension on […]

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DetroitHockey.Net Logo History

DetroitHockey.Net Logo History

I recently did a soft rollout of a tweaked logo for DetroitHockey.Net and was inspired to go back and take a look at the history of the logo for the site and its affiliated projects. I only have backups of my graphics going back to 2002, at which time the site was still and […]

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Post Storm Photography

Post Storm Photography

I wouldn’t say I’m much of a photographer but I like to give it a shot from time to time. This weekend’s ice storm gave me the chance to wander around the yard and try to take some artsy shots.

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Christmas Name Drawing Generator

Every year my in-laws do the whole “drawing names” thing at Christmas, where each person draws one other person and buys a gift for them.  Nearly as often, there’s drama about it.  Someone complains about “always” getting someone else.  Someone gets themself (that was me this year). I decided to remove the human element from […]

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Stupid Little Projects

Sometimes it’s the pointless little projects that are surprisingly fun. I recently upgraded my phone.  I’m not going to lie, at the end the main reason I loved my old Galaxy Nexus wasn’t the technology but the fact that I had a custom case with the DetroitHockey.Net logo on it.  Half the point of the […]

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On Pirates, Rockstars and Job Postings

“Ahoy, matees! Ye good ship [company name redacted] has openin’s for wild, talented, sea-worthy PHPirates an’ web developers t’ join the crew in thar normal behaviors o’ technical adventurin’ ‘n grog consumption. You’ll sail thee vast dataseas, wielding code like a sabre and buildin’ sites to confound and delight even the blackest of beards.” Thus […]

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