The MSU Prom/se (Promise) site was a bit of a rush job and a very disorganized project to work on. The site was built to replace a previous version that the client wasn’t happy with and was the first University Relations project for the designer involved. No time was budgeted for the job, so some things I would have liked to try didn’t happen.
I developed the site from a design approved by the client. The original design was done completely in Macromedia Flash but I converted most of it to a table-based HTML layout. I consider the remaining Flash to be in the site simply for the sake of using Flash, but keeping it in wasn’t my call and the client was happy so there wasn’t a need to worry about it.

The template was built to stretch in wider browser windows, something I would change if I was working on the project now. While I prefer sites that use the full width of the browser window, this site’s design just doesn’t support it.
I wasn’t happy with how the project turned out but the client was and that’s what matters.
The above text and image were copied directly from my original portfolio as I imported it over to the blog. It was not updated for re-publishing. This project launched in July 2004.