The Criminal Justice Intellegence Program site launched in November of 2004 with minimal content available, originally needed just for a place to provide contact information.
University Relations at Michigan State University took on the project knowing that it would be a long-term arrangement. The main content of the site wasn’t ready for more than six months after the site launched.
As a result, I had to put together a design that would accomodate the coming information but collapse down to before it was available.
The design was based on several sites that UR had produced around that time, with two horizontal navigation bars sandwiching a Flash movie that featured imagry associated with the the Intelligence Program.
Below the navigation, the main content area can be presented as one field or divided into two columns, one smaller than the other to feature sub-navigation where needed.

The design was developed in a table-based layout that was intended to be replaced by a more accessible one at a later date.
The above text and image were copied directly from my original portfolio as I imported it over to the blog. It was not updated for re-publishing. This project launched in November 2004.